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Wellness Blog

Tips To Feel Your Best In Kapha Season: Break Through Winter Stagnation
Life is lived in cycles. We see this in the changing of seasons, the human life journey, animal routines, and the phases of the moon....

A Guide To Managing Anxiety With Ayurveda
Anxiety has steadily increased in modern society, and the current state of the world certainly isn’t helping. According to the Anxiety...

Tapas: Mental Discipline, Creating Routine and Structure in Life
How many times have you or someone you’ve known been so excited to integrate change in your life just to find yourself back in the same...

Yoga, Ayurveda and Lung Health
Yoga as the Sister Science of Ayurveda; Kapha Series for Lung Health Yoga and Ayurveda can be thought of as two branches that are...

Just a few healing words
Be the Change What does that phrase mean to you? What in your current life seems to need the most change right now? What would you change...

Manifest Your Destiny
Blink you eyes. It is said that our brain has 1,000 thoughts in the time it takes to wink once. Wink again, another 1,000. Wink...

New Beginnings
Winter Solstice brings the longest night, and the shortest day, as we here in the Northern Hemisphere tilt away from the sun, deepening...

Change Your Story
Change your story…. What does that mean? Have you ever noticed that each and every one of us creates our reality with judgments and...
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